Why Close Yr E's?

This was originally the presentation of the website.

When I finally took the time to write a proper introduction, I decided to keep it somewhere.



Err--I'm definitely too lazy to write an introduction...

But instead I can tell you a story… Let’s say: the story of my pseudo!


Why Close Yr E’s ?


Since my teenage years, my friends have taken the habit to call me “Clo”, a shortcut for “Chloé” -- easy, up to this point! That’s why I naturally thought of “closeyres” for the left part of my e-mail address at that time. No pun ever occurred to my mind about this gathering of letters.


It’s only a few years later, when I gave my e-mail address to a photographer-friend of mine that the magical unveiling happened: “Say, what does your address mean?! Close-something? I don’t get it…” Surprised and amused, I answered that it was just my name, what was he thinking about…? “I thought it had something to do with ‘Close Your Eyes’ but shortened’…”

And then OMFG he was right and it was just brilliant:

I have a supa-romantic double-meaning with my name!

I used to think that Chloé was a cute name for little girlies. But: 1) It is definitely no f*cking Rock’n Roll name, and 2) As you grow up it becomes too childish. But I must confess that this episode made me make up with my name for ever!